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Performance review preparation for high performers

Hi! I'm Eden.

I've been a full time software engineer for 8 years and went from new grad to staff engineer in 6. I believe there's a way for every engineer to get what they want out of their job/career as long as they work smarter, not harder.

My coaching is for you if you want any of these things in your career:
• promotion
• pay raise
• better job
• more work/life balance
• career direction

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If you'd like some help, check out the Get to Staff private community.

For $8/mo (or $80/year) you get access to the private Slack where you join Eden and other likeminded engineers to discuss topics and ask questions related to career development in engineering.


Eden offers perspectives that are refreshingly unique, coupled with amazing suggestions on how to maximize impact in any given task or goal.

He has an exceptional ability to identify what's the best use of your time and the key elements to focus on.

Eden isn't just an excellent engineer; he's a career catalyst."

Over the years Eden has given me invaluable personal advice for handling different work situations - from working on promotion packets, all the way to considering new teams or opportunities.

Eden has the great ability of understanding your situation and making personalized suggestions that fit your goals and help advance your career.

He is a very candid and pragmatic engineer that has helped me focus on the things that are ultimately important."

I had the privilege of being mentored by Eden, and I can't recommend him highly enough. Eden is an exceptional mentor who not only identifies growth opportunities effortlessly but also makes learning an enjoyable experience.

Our 1:1 sessions were a highlight for me as I got to learn something new every single time.

Eden's guidance not only helped me navigate my technical and career path but also allowed me to bounce ideas off him with ease. His empathy and genuine care for my success were evident in every interaction. If you're seeking a mentor who combines technical expertise with an enjoyable learning journey, Eden is the perfect choice."

Before Eden's career coaching, I struggled with technical and behavioral interviews. Eden planned a system for me that helped me revisit a variety of questions and traits employers seek in their candidates.

Most importantly, he instilled a level of confidence in myself that made me truly believe I will become a great Software Engineer."

Eden is a terrific resource! He somehow always knows what leadership is looking for and is also able to deliver that impact effortlessly.

He passed down these insights to me and made my climb up the engineering levels super easy by pointing out what I should be working on to move the needle while helping me avoid busy work that didn’t benefit anyone.

These seemingly small shifts in where my energy and time is dedicated awarded me with stellar performance reviews while simultaneously spending less time at work.

Eden’s got the secret sauce to excelling at engineering by teaching you how to maximize effectiveness instead of learning how to code faster."

Eden has done an excellent job as a mentor for me during college.

He is both technically and emotionally intelligent, two things that make him an exceptional mentor and leader in this field.

Using his advice, I was able to land internships at top companies like Google and succeed in becoming a top performer."

Eden’s exceptional guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in helping me break through career obstacles and achieve my goals.

He has a talent for breaking down complex skills into practical, actionable steps, enabling me to have a clear path towards my goals.

Working with Eden has been a game-changer for my career, and I couldn’t be more grateful for his expertise and support."

Eden was instrumental during my promotion to Senior Software Engineer and was so impactful in helping me navigate that process.

Additionally, Eden was an incredible source of support for me in general. I would talk and ramble about my struggles at work ranging from burnout to working on impactful projects to switching teams.

Eden really invests in you and your growth and is an expert at navigating workspace challenges and setting yourself up for success (especially if you come from an under-represented background)!"


Performance review preparation for high performers

• 45min initial consultation
Pay as you go single coaching session $500
Six sessions over three months $3,000 $2,800
12 sessions over one year $6,000 $5,000

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